Sensitive Skin Triggers

OK.  You have de-cluttered your skincare –  you have found the organic skincare products that work for your skin – but your skin is still sensitive, especially in times of stress or when the weather gets cold.  

It may not be your beauty regime that is at fault – there are other triggers...


Organic Skincare for sensitive skin

Think about the temperature of the water you use when you bathe – hot water can be very drying, especially if your skin is on the sensitive side and although it is tempting to sink into a steaming hot bath when it’s freezing outside, (with the occasional large glass of wine!) your skin may not thank you for it. 

If you are a bath fan, (and I'm including myself here, it's one of my fave ways to de-stress!) avoid SLS based bubble baths and opt for an organic hydrating bath oil.

If you are worried about disappearing in an oil slick and the monotonous cleaning that follows, don't.  Our organic bath oils are super concentrated so you only need the tiniest amount, about 1/2 a teaspoon.  The result, you can lay back in beautifully scented water knowing you will emerge all goddess like, (not oily) and chilled - until the next interruption anyway..

If its blizzard like outside, depending on where you are in the world, you will need to take special precautions.  Wind, and very cold and dry environments can all spell problems for your skin.  Hydration and protection is key, stick with a good hydrating cleanser (try ours here) and a decent moisturiser, eg our Radiance Cream with Rose & Frankincense

Consider your laundry detergent– biological action detergents are notorious for irritating skin and triggering eczema flare ups.  My own eczema improved significantly when I changed to a greener non bio version.

Switch away from household cleaners that are filled with harsh chemicals.  Simpler ingredients such as bicarbonate of soda mixed with water to a paste is very effective in the kitchen (but the mixture is slightly abrasive so don’t use it on highly polished surfaces).  White vinegar is also super-effective; it is a great degreaser and limescale remover.  You can buy these in bulk very inexpensively online, and there are lots of recipes available.  We like

If you fancy a homemade therapeutic bath, guilt free without any chemical nasties, try adding 5 drops of lavender essential oil and 5 drops of chamomile essential oil to a warm running bath.  It will smell amazing and is great for sensitive, dry, itchy skin.

And remember to keeping your skin hydrated with chemical free organic body care products that will sooth and pamper – hydrating body oils, cleansing bars and scrubs.

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